• bAtTyGrEaSe says:

    … player! But Welbeck is young, full of talent and he has put in a consistent, good performance for us all season. An obvious choice over berba and Hernandez for staring 11. I do feel though that it was wrong for Sir Alex to ultimately bench berba after his great form of season 2010/2011. I will be sad to see him leave. I think for next season we need a world class midfielder to replace Scholes, a right back and another experienced centre back. Possibly even another striker? Or tha

  • bAtTyGrEaSe says:

    obviously it’s not a track race. But the simple fact is berba is absolutely class. He’s really awesome BUT his effort levels are minimal! However Welbeck, Rooney, Hernandez and other players like Ashley young and Valencia and nani who are offensive always try hard (nani less so to be fair) you look at any united player currently and you will see they put in more effort then berba. As for you saying we’d win the league with him starting, yes quite possibly. Like I said he’s a great pla

  • Bret6464 says:

    I have been a United fan for a long time 🙂
    With Berba starting this year United would have won their 20th title, no sweat!
    The game is NOT a track meet, running hard at defenders is not enough, you need CLASS forwards on the field – and that’s Berba and Rooney. Total shame SAF went younger THIS year, wait a couple more years for Welbeck to develop was the way to do it! Chica doesn’t have it. It’s been frustrating as all hell watching United unable to score and Berba on the bench.

  • titbub says:

    top goal scorer in the prem to just the 5 games this season…?
    not a united fan but i, like so many others absolutely love watching this man play, despite what all the fickle media indoctrinated fans have been told to think he IS a unique player and a different class.

    Sell him if he has no use just so we can watch him play!
    love him to come to villa but that’s never going to happen! ha

    on the plus side McLeish is out and already we’re on the same points as arsenal, happy days!

  • Nightyhawk21 says:

    How can Sir Alex bench a genius like Berbatov is. I bet he would be so much useful than Chicha.

  • febicutcut says:

    he is a Genius……

  • kuttex89 says:

    welbeck is still young. that kid got talent. wait for another 2 or 3 years. i dare to say that welbeck is better than berbatov.

  • NUFCFTW9 says:

    you missed something the only non-english player who scored 5 in a single game

  • bAtTyGrEaSe says:


    how do I talk nonsense? If your a united fan and watch all the games and see how players like Rooney and JS Park and Valencia never stop running and they even back track to defend and Berbatov just stands up field and doesn’t really chase down balls. I never said he wasn’t class I think he’s an awesome player but why play someone ESPECIALLY when every single point is crucial to this seasons title race when he doesn’t give even 100%.

    And yes I do play, once a week so I do understand

  • Bret6464 says:

    You talk nonsense! Bet you never played, do not understand the game, and know nothing of the physical demands. When a player of Berba’s class comes along, count your blessings he played for ManU and not for a rival, else no title last year for us.

  • bAtTyGrEaSe says:


    no it’s really not. I’m a Manchester united fan (born and raised Manc just to clarify I’m no glory hunter) so I watch every single game and all of what you have said and all of the quotes you have snatched off the Internet are obviously going to praise the guy but ask and fan and you will get the same answer. He is Lazy.

  • Widmung says:

    FYI, Berbatov’s workrate is actually higher than the average player’s workrate.
    “Whenever a player comes here, people will find a way of criticising him, but his statistics are incredible,” said Ferguson. “He did more running [against Boro] than most of the other players — even Rooney. It’s his languid style that is deceptive. Berbatov’s way of picking a pass is fantastic. I don’t think we’ve had a player with the beautifully-weighted pass that he can produce since Cantona.” – Sir Alex

  • adgege says:

    Fergie pls pls let this guy play now enough we need experience now come on Ferguson

  • gavidia1991 says:

    It amazes me how this man is on the bench, while hernandez and welbeck play.

  • bAtTyGrEaSe says:

    The quicker we mathematically win the league the quicker sir Alex can play him! He’s just too lazy we need 110%

  • scosh999 says:

    Alex get him off the bench stop playing welbeck play berba

  • blalako says:

    Im alr missing him. 🙁 now when i watch the match and players like irritating Welbeck misses a footing or give away the ball, I think of how Berba wldnt miss tt with his world class first touch. I miss him so much.

  • bobbyboymufc says:

    wonderful player,will be sorely missed if he leaves.

  • Lifehatepwn says:

    dude ur a fucking dumb hater

  • BANZAAAIify says:

    why didn’t he sell him earlier? so that Berbatov can warm their benches?

  • dylanboyke10 says:



  • DeGea1Lindegaard34 says:

    Berbatov is a top striker and I really hope it works out for him at United.

  • utterlyinsanestalker says:

    fuck that bitch andy carroll if Liverpool had signed Berba 2008 ;( Митачко що не пробва в Ливърпул бе

  • Sai9Ashwin says:

    berbatov became old he is 32 and welbeck is only 21 and still has a long way to go berbatov is preferred as a 4th striker and he wont get many chances as a 4th striker so fergie decided to sell him for his own good not that everyone hates him